Black Beauty

Black Beauty


A very complex flavored dark, nearly black tomato.

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There is a lot to say about this tomato. It will stand out in your collection as possibly the most unique tomato in your garden. Black Beauty is one of the darkest tomato varieties there is and it is loaded with vitamins and anthocyanin compounds that are found in Blueberries, Blackberries and Elderberries!

It’s complex flavor is very unique having a somewhat smoky, nutty taste with possibly a hint of blueberry flavor, you have probably never tasted anything like this one and some claim it is the best they have ever tasted, but that is subjective.

When fully ripe the bottoms of these tomatoes will turn a brick-red color and the tops with their dark purple/black coloring will be soft to the touch, I’ve learned that it is best to bring them into the house to ripen fully on the counter for about a week to fully develop their flavors and to resist cracking which they are prone to do.

The fruits are only medium sized, but big enough for slices for a sandwich and the plant will begin to have mature fruits 80-90 days after transplant.

15 seeds 3.00


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